Go Beyond Brands - Doctors Want Services that Ensure Better Outcomes for Patients



Go Beyond Brands - Doctors Want Services that Ensure Better Outcomes for Patients





Sandeep Varma 18 Apr 2021 14:46

Key take-aways from the talk with Dr Tejal Lathia: 1. Partnership of Doctors and Technology companies to develop better Digital Therapeutic options, that can lighten the load of doctors during the brief consultation time they get with each patient. 2. Pharma Companies to move from product-centricity to patient-centricity for a win-win situation for everyone. 3. Develop accurate digital scientific content which patients can watch / read for better understanding of their condition, than simply relying on whatever Dr Google shows them. 4. Shared decision making by Doctors & Patients than one-way Rx by the Doctor. 5. Patients still need doctor to confirm what they read on internet. Doctors should hear them out and not feel confronted by the questioning. 6. Give constructive & meaningful suggestions / solutions to patients with T-2 diabetes on what to do and not on what not to do, taking into account patient's profile & need. (compassion, empathy, team-work) 7. Pharma needs to overhaul their approach in meeting doctors: less frequent visits, offering digital solutions that can be helpful for the patients, find more constructive ways of engaging the doctor rather than annoying. And yes, quite a few doctors like Dr Tejal are digital savvy, active on social media like Twitter. So the points made by her in this talk can be of use to look at Pharma-Doctor relationship in a more constructive, digital way...

Thank you Sandeep, that's a very comprehensive summary.

Prasad Mahadevan - 13 Apr 2021 14:25

It was a nice discussion of Dr Tejal. Good thing is it's now important for the Pharma companies to focus on providing services to doctors not just through CRMs but mainly helping bridge gap through digital therapeutic for drs patient. Also the digital initiatives should be long term to engage Dr and patients and not just focusing on ROI. Finally from doctors as well since digital technology can be customized so to support the pharma companies in terms of coming up with services for their patients, through mutual understanding because ultimately it will benefit the patients and the society.

Excellent summary Prasad - you got it 100% right. I wish more pharma people do...

Amit Katoch 11 Apr 2021 15:56

It was a nice deliberation and dr Tejal is truly bringing about a positive change in healthcare landscape.She spoke great about digital usage and patient centric approach. However, I am disappointed by her outlook on Pharma field force .On one side she tells that Pharma people could be engaged in the knowledge dissemination across all tiers , and in the same breath she opines that products add just a small part of the total package in the treatment. I have some “why”questions to ask : 1. We don’t want to appear for regular update tests to check how much update we are . 2. There is no visibility for the patient to know how much score a doctor got in his last exam ( his last few surgeries or his score in the medical exam ) 3.No doctor wants to Accept that allopathy is predicated on Pharma research by leading Pharma houses . That whenever paradigm shifts have happened, it’s been thro those research and now through any other element. There are so many unanswered questions, However I just want to convey that time has come for these two equals( they don’t consider) partners have to work hand in hand constructively to address the needs of the industry. Regards.

Mangalesh Balkrishna Doke 11 Apr 2021 12:29

Dr.Tejal perspective of digital therapeutics is really a need of an hour and Excellent discussion..Thanks Anupsir and Dr.Tejal

Bhaskar Chakravorti 10 Apr 2021 18:11

Listening to Dr.Tejal Lathia was a learning experience with many takeaways. Patient behavior is changing, they are more informed and empowered. Doctors offer them the options and risks and patients choose what is to be done. Patients consult Doctors for their opinion. Digital therapeutics is a solution to take care of the patient 24X7X365 beyond pills. Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator is a new specialization. “Badgering, hounding, and annoying” is what Pharma Reps do with HCPs. This is more than often done under the pressure of the Managers. The solution would be to engage without annoying. Be a resource for scientific information at every level of HCPs and across Tiers 1 to 3 towns. This world be sharing the burden of HCPs

Thank you Bhaskar for capturing the key learning points so well...

Shivshankar V Maurya 10 Apr 2021 15:16

wonderful session

Sandipan Bhattacharya 9 Apr 2021 18:35

Looking foreward