
How does your culture smell? Does it smell good, or does it stink?

How does your culture smell? Does it smell good, or does it stink?

In a World Economic Forum talk, Prof. Ghosal talked about the “Smell of the Workplace” as a metaphor to describe the need for creating a new context that enables employees to change their mindset from that of Constraint, Compliance, Control and Contract to that of Stretch, Discipline, Trust and Support.


Most organizations are like Calcutta in summer – the “Smell of the Workplace” is dispiriting. And no matter what other measures leaders take, to revitalize and engage their employees, their mindset remains one of Constraint, Compliance, Control and Contract.


Unless organizational leadership is committed to foster a climate of Stretch, Discipline, Trust and Support, they will struggle to fully engage, employee energies.


To know more about the impact of culture in digital adoption and transformation, listen to Hariram Krishnan - Culture - A Roadblock or Catalyst for Digital Transformation?




