Patient-Centered Pharma - The Imperative & The Roadmap



Patient-Centered Pharma - The Imperative & The Roadmap





Why Should Pharma Move from Product Centric to Patient Centered Approach?


Today's discussion starts in just a few minutes. And if you have missed Wednesday's webinar, you can still watch it here:

Vivek Hattangadi 12 Sep 2020 10:43

Superb Amlesh! Missed listening live! Loved: Need to be people centric first to be patient centric. Also loved your empathy towards the humble people in the field. Great learning for me! Vivek Hattangadi

Amlesh Ranjan 12 Sep 2020 13:01

Thank you Prof. Vivek Hattangadi! It's encouraging to know, you liked my approach, and the views.

Prasad Mahadevan - 13 Sep 2020 18:16

Really Amlesh Sir ,it was a eye opening session & a new door of patient centered pharma which needs to be opened ,to take the Industry to next level. I really liked the session very much. Sir have some query You highlighted that pharma should not only be product centric & promotion oriented but it should be 3Ps ie Promotion, Partnership & Participation . Its important to partner with other Heathcare sectors mainly hospitals & work on disease management rather than product. But sir for acute specialties or for organisations whose main business comes from acute therapy & all the products are well known in the market & the customer ie doctor is well versed with the products & its management & there is nothing new to provide awareness or information to the customers & he is least interested to be partnering with the company to increase the patient awareness. In such case what should be the approach as a company to adopt the 3P models

Amlesh Ranjan 14 Sep 2020 12:27

Thanks Prasad Mahadevan for your comments and the question. Hospitals have long back transformed themselves from only being a Acute/Critical care centers to become Daycare, and Outdoor Primary & Chronic care centers. These are the key services offered now, and it is universal across all chains and standalone hospitals. If the Doctors are well versed with your product, it is a good news, find out, what else means value to him/her, and try developing/providing that. Remember, it's not just about selling, it's contributing towards improving the outcomes, and a lot gets done to achieve that.

Bhaskar Chakravorti 11 Sep 2020 18:27

Thanks once again to Amlesh Rajan and Anup Soans for discussing the topic presented last Wednesday. Picker's Eight Principles of Patient-Centred Care is a novel learning for me.

Amlesh Ranjan 12 Sep 2020 13:04

Thank you Bhaskar! Happy that you liked the Q&A as well. Yes, Healthcare providers and Health Systems have all the learning that our industry needs to be truly Patient Centered.

Anup Soans 11 Sep 2020 10:19

Picker Institute’s Eight Principles of Patient-Centered Care originated with the Seven Dimensions of Patient-Centered Care, whose development was traced in the 1993 groundbreaking book Through the Patient’s Eyes. Using a wide range of focus groups—recently discharged patients, family members, physicians and non-physician hospital staff—combined with a review of pertinent literature, researchers from Harvard Medical School, on behalf of Picker Institute and The Commonwealth Fund, defined seven primary dimensions of patient-centered care. In 1987, an eighth principle was added and the dimensions were renamed the Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care. The Eight Principles embody Picker Institute’s conviction that all patients deserve high-quality healthcare, and that patients’ views and experiences are integral to improvement efforts. The Eight Picker Principles of Patient-Centered Care are: Respect for patients’ values, preferences and expressed needs Coordination and integration of care Information, communication and education Physical comfort Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety Involvement of family and friends Continuity and transition Access to care

Amlesh Ranjan 12 Sep 2020 13:07

Thanks again Anup! It was wonderful interacting with you. Appreciate the questions which help me bring out the key philosophy behind my talk. It was great being part of this high value initiative. Thanks Leadership & Team Credoweb.

Anup Soans 12 Sep 2020 13:27

Thank you Amlesh for taking your valuable time for the webinar and Q & A session.

Gautam Bhan 10 Sep 2020 17:41

I agree to much of it. But, are our customers, that is, the doctors (in general) ready to absorb. Most of them are yet to embrace this added value approach for the benefit of their patients. And that, I believe, needs to be our first priority.... Overall, a nice well articulated approach Mr Ranjan

Amlesh Ranjan 12 Sep 2020 13:13

Thanks Gautam! 'Genuine Empathy' coupled with High Integrity' will help earn the 'Trust' of the Physician. They need all the help that we can provide right now. It is a very, very difficult time for all the Medical professionals, in many, many ways. We must stand by them, they will welcome.

Vani Bhaskar 10 Sep 2020 16:29

Very nice session. My learnings are Think Disease n Patient Centered Pharma.

Amlesh Ranjan 10 Sep 2020 19:07

Thanks Vani!

Pracchi Parihar Saxenna 10 Sep 2020 11:06

Congratulations Amlesh, very engaging and useful presentation on think disease and patient centered pharma!

Amlesh Ranjan 10 Sep 2020 19:07

Thanks Pracchi!

Bhaskar Chakravorti 9 Sep 2020 19:30

Congratulations to my friend Amlesh Rajan for his brilliant presentation on Patient-centered Pharma. I appreciate his differentiation of 'Patient-centered' from 'patient-centric' and I wish this is understood by leaders of the industry and is incorporated in their vision statement. I agree with his two-word mantra 'Think Disease' and strategizing beyond Promotion to Partnership and Participation.

Amlesh Ranjan 10 Sep 2020 07:24

Thank you so much! It's satisfying for me to know that you appreciate the strategic points brought forward in the talk.

Prashant Sharma 9 Sep 2020 18:00

Very Informative and Covered all Elements of Patients Centered approach. Very Useful Thank You Sir.

Amlesh Ranjan 10 Sep 2020 07:25

Thanks Prashant!

Kamini Sharma 9 Sep 2020 17:52

Excellent session Amlesh Sir . Thank you 🙏🙏

Amlesh Ranjan 9 Sep 2020 17:54

Thanks Kamini. Happy that you liked it!

Shubham kumar yadav 9 Sep 2020 17:45

very informative session thank you Amlesh sir

Amlesh Ranjan 9 Sep 2020 17:55

Thanks Shubham!

Bhaskar Chakravorti 9 Sep 2020 17:11

Video Buffering for a long time...

Rajiv Kumar 9 Sep 2020 17:00

It is my pleasure to listen from Amlesh sir

Amlesh Ranjan 10 Sep 2020 07:25

Thanks Rajiv!

Tej Pal Singh 9 Sep 2020 15:52

Looking forward to have valuable session

Amar Patil

Pharmacy student

9 Sep 2020 14:26

looking forward for the session from Amlesh Ranjan sir

Deepak Kumar Verma 9 Sep 2020 10:50

Would be worth learning the Paridgm shift from Information Focus to Provide Focus.

Amlesh Ranjan 9 Sep 2020 13:25

Thanks Deepak

Himanshu Singh 9 Sep 2020 13:34

Looking forward to hear from you!