
CredoWeb's mobile application - Android navigation

CredoWeb's mobile application - Android navigation

How to use CredoWeb app quickly and easily - a picture guide

With just a few photos we would like to show you how to navigate the app, access its main tools and functionalities and make the best use of it. 

Main navigation (picture 1)

At the top of the navigation pane (marked in blue) you will will find quick access links to:

  • Publications that you wrote 
  • Events and e-learning courses you take part in

These are not lists of all the content available in CredoWeb, but only thе one related to your profile.


Discussion for which you have an invitation (picture 2):


This is what a discussion you are invited in, but haven't joined, looks like. To join just tap on the green button saying "ACCEPT INVITATION".


Discussion comments (picture 3)

Comments of participants are listed chronologically - the latest ones being at the top. Some comments like moderator summaries and other valuable input might also be pinned at the top.


Choosing your interests (picture 4)

Quickly and easily you can define your topics of interest. From the listed topics choose the ones you would like to subscribe to. By doing that you will personalize the information flow and see only relevant information. You can manage your interests any time by adding or removing items.



E-learning (picture 5)

This is an example of main course in our e-learning module. The number of lectures to each course is listed here.  You can gain a certificate after undergoing a course. 


Our app facilitates undergoing courses and gaining credits and obtaining certificates at your own convenience, at the tip of your fingers.


E-learning videos and presentations (picture 6)

Lectures under a certain course can come as a video or presentation.


Notifications (picture 7)

Notifications are divided into 3 tabs:

  • general notifications
  • activities - everything related to your profile ( joining in discussions, published comments, follows, likes etc.);
  • messages - notification about new messages and acces to your private chats.

Business page (picture 8)


This is an example for a business page - it can be a hospital, pharma company, product page or just a generic page (e.g. Hypertension). It looks like a website having typical attributes like address, structure, team, related pages etc. You can follow any page you find interesting and useful to follow.


Search (picture 9)

In the app you can refine your search by various criteria. 



CredoWeb is available for iOS and Android. Our Android app has Dashboard and E-learning. Very soon they will be available for iOS as well. All the images above are for Android.
